to Mar 29

Winter-Spring Readings for 'The Hotel Eden'

Events planned so far for Winter-Spring 2019 (updates forthcoming):

29 January 2019, Kent University, Kent, UK

7 February 2019, Blackwells Bookshop, Oxford, UK (with Nina Bogin and Alison Brackenbury): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/carcanet-poets-beverley-bie-brahic-alison-brackenbury-and-nina-bogin-tickets-53177737043

6 March 2019, 7:00 p.m. Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 Rue Casimir Lavigne (near Odeon Theatre), Paris 6th.

21 March 2019, Scottish Poetry Library, Edinburg, UK (with Nina Bogin)

28 March 2019, 6:30 p.m., Reid Hall, 4 Rue de Chevreuse, Paris 6th (with Nina Bogin and Marilyn Hacker)

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to Nov 15

Autumn Readings for 'The Hotel Eden'

I will be reading from my new collection, The Hotel Eden (Carcanet) this autumn in the following places:


2 October, 2018, 7 pm, Waterstones, Amsterdam

17 October, 2018, 7 pm, The Broadway Bookshop, 6 Broadway Market, Hackney, London

22 October, 2018, 7 pm, Black's Club, 67 Dean Street, Soho, London. Everyone welcome. Free, but reservation needed: see link.)

15 November 2018, 6:30 pm, Golden Hare Books, 68 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh

I hope you can come!

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