
Just wrote the jacket copy for a new translation. I sent it in early, months early, and thought I was off the hook for a bit, but right away got a request for jacket copy from my on-the-ball editor. He's right, of course, besides being--I think--new to the job and keen: it's much easier for me to write the blurb when the translation is still fresh on my mind. A very rough draft, I'm going to let cook slowly on the back burner for a few days.

So now I have no excuse not to get on my bike and head for the gym. I have to go anyway, so why put it off? Afterwards I can pick up a couple books at the library and have an espresso, decaf, at Coupa and watch the machines chew up the demolition site. Meanwhile, if I turn my head and look out the window I see a little pot of sage on the balcony, and another of mint. Leaves droopy. I should water them, it will get me moving in the direction of my gym shoes. On the other hand, there's a rocking chair out there that is rocking all by itself.